Photographs above show clockwise from ^:

Rtn Mrs Dalva being welcomed at Dnyanaprabodhini Grounds on Feb 20 along with team
Carla & Zalmir after visiting Vaishnodevi shrine
Carla, Dalva & Pulu in their chhunris
Brasilian team with us inside the Vaishnodevi shrine
Zalmir chanting Bharat Maata Ki Jai from Dnyanaprabodhini Sports Grounds
Carla receiving her bronze for 4 x 50 m Friendship Relay Race
The whole team faces the camera at the sports festival closing ceremony

Rotary Club of Nigdi-Pune had the privilege of hosting the in-coming GSE team from Brasil,
from February 20, to February 23

The Brasilian team consisted of Rtn (Mrs) Dalva F S Rigoni, the team leader; and the following members:

Adriane R C Araujo (Mrs) : Lawyer
Carla Cristina Kuchpel (Ms): Food Engineer
Vlademir Santo Daleffe : Electrical Engineer
Zalmir S Cubas : Veterinarian

The Club thoroughly enjoyed the fellowship with the guests and the guests got an opportunity to visit Telco - Indica Car Plant, Brahmadutta Vidyalaya for the Mentally Challenged, Naturopathy Institute - Bhosari, Dnyanaprabodhini Navnagar Vidyalaya, Krisna Temple and Vaisnodevi Temple in our locality.

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